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Norway - Bergen

Reseachers - Norway - Bergen

  • Jan Haavik, MD, PhD


    Jan Haavik, MD PhD  is professor and leader of the Neurotargeting research group at the Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Norway. He is a board-certified specialist of adult psychiatry and has a 20 % position as senior consultant in psychiatry at Haukeland University Hospital. The Neurotargeting group investigates molecular mechanisms and explores new treatment targets in the nervous system, with an emphasis on neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders, such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression and Parkinson's disease. The group has expertise in clinical psychiatry, genomics, brain imaging, molecular pharmacology, protein biochemistry and metabolism.

  • Astri Lundervold


    Astri Lundervold is a professor of clinical neuropsychology at the University of Bergen, Norway. Her research focuses on cognitive, emotional, and social challenges, which are common in the general population as well as among individuals with psychitaric or somatic conditions. Over the years, she has made contributions to studies exploring core symptoms of ADHD and the development of intervention programs for adults with this condition. Additionally, she has conducted research on characteristics and treatments adapted to older adults and individuals with disorders of the gut-brain interaction.

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